Saturday 2 November 2013

The Blabidiboo Story 5

Stories by Eikou, Kianaand Roni

Chapter Five


Blabidi was making such a racket up in his room. He cried and cried so loud that the neighbours could hear his every word. I decided to walk to his room to see what was wrong. “What are you crying for this time, hmm?” I asked, trying to keep myself calm. “What do I do now? Ukli’s going to move out soon! I’m going to miss her!” Blabidi cried even louder. I started to lose my temper and shout. “Get a hold of yourself!” I said. “Stop crying over a glass of spilled milk!” Blabidi didn’t stop. He just continued crying and crying some more. “What if Ukli and James visits us every Saturday and Sunday?” I suggested. “That would be a great idea!” He suddenly stopped crying.

“So, how do you think we should go home?” Ukli questioned. “How about we call your dad?” James suggested. Ukli started to call Blabidi, and he took a jetpack from the dump, and then flew to the honey-moon. When he got there, he got stuck on the moon as well, but anyway, his jetpack wouldn’t have had enough energy to carry three people back to Earth. Blabidi called for Mister Albert Boss, James’ dad. Albert was a smart fellow. He built a sticky-proof rocket fast enough to fetch the three and send them back home.

While Albert was launching the rocket, Blabidi and James took a walk around the moon. “James,” Blabidi tried to start a conversation. “Would you do me a favour?” “Sure!” James replied. “Good. Stay here until I come back to get you, alright?” Blabidi ran back to Ukli, seeing Albert and his rocket, ready to save them. Blabidi and Ukli came back to Earth, leaving James behind.

Lucy heard of the news, and asked her parents to buy her a rocket. Once she arrived at the moon, she saw James patiently waiting for Blabidi, but Blabidi never came. “I’m starting to think Mr.Blabidiboo tricked me and left for home.” James said, disappointed. “James?” Lucy said. He thought he heard Ukli, but the voice he heard wasn’t as sweet and gentle as Ukli’s. He thought the voice was familiar, so he turned around to check. “Lucy!” For once, James was happy to see her. “What are you doing here?” “I’m here to save you. Ukli and her father left you here.” Lucy explained. “What? Is this true?” James was surprised. “Yes, it is.” Lucy answered. “Well then, let’s get home!” James ran to the rocket Lucy had, when she stopped him. “Wait,” Lucy said. “I’ll save you on one condition.” “What’s that?” James asked. “You should dump Ukli.” Lucy smirked. “What?” James’ eyes widened. He decided to temporarily agree, to save himself.

When he reached Earth, he immediately ran to Ukli’s house. He rang the door-bell, and Ukli answered, with her travelling clothes on. “Oh! Here you are, James!” Ukli smiled. “Yeah, here I am.” James started squinting his eyes.  “What’s wrong?” Ukli looked worried. “You left me up in that moon, and then you never even bothered to help me get back!?” James started to get mad. “I… I was about to…” Ukli saddened. “Well you’re too late!” James shouted. He slammed the door behind him and walked to his house.

“Welcome home, son!” Albert said when James entered his house. “Here, I bought you a little petling.” Albert continued. James smiled and grabbed its cage. “I’ll name you ‘Mrs.Bearypoo.’” He whispered.

“Where are you, Mr.Chickaboo?” Ukli searched for her petling, who was lost somewhere in the house. “Hey, Ukli, would you like to shop with me?” I asked politely. “Sure!” Ukli answered happily. “Dad, mom and I are going shopping. Help me look for Mr.Chickaboo, okay?” Ukli gave Blabidi an instruction. “Okay.” He answered. “Chickaboo-boo, Chickaboo-boo, oh yeah!” Blabidi made a little ‘Mr.Chickaboo’ dance for Ukli.

Ukli and I left for the mall, and then Blabidi started to look for Mr.Chickaboo. “Mr.Chickaboo, where are you?” He said. Mr.Chickaboo slowly showed up. He was hidden in a pile of boxes. “Aha! Now I’ll cook you!” Blabidi made another unnecessary action. He slowly placed Mr.Chickaboo in a frying pan, ready to cook him. As he tried to turn on the gasoline, Mrs.Bearypoo came out of nowhere and saved Mr.Chickaboo from becoming fried chicken.

“Thanks for saving me.” Mr.Chickaboo thanked her. “No problem. Now, if you excuse me, I’ll have to go back to my owner.” Without another word, Mrs.Bearypoo left for James’ house, leaving Mr.Chickaboo in the middle of nowhere. “Oh no, now I’m lost!” Mr.Chickaboo worried.

When Mrs.Bearypoo came back home, James got mad at her for running outside without his permission. He trapped her inside her cage and locked it until she learned her lesson.

Will Mr.Chickaboo ever be found?
Find out in Chapter Six!

To Be Continued...

© Blabidiboo Gang